For me, the most fun is change or growth. There are definitely elements of both that I like. Launching a business is kind of like a motorboat: You can go very quickly and turn fast.” - Tony Hsieh, CEO Zappos

You may be uncertain whether, and how, business coaching could be of value to you. Much has been written both pro and con of coaching, so the following is provided as a guide to help you understand what can expect from several coaching programs.

One - to - One  OR Group coaching

As the name implies, one-to-one or group coaching entails the owner or owners and coach meeting to discuss opportunities and challenges the owner is facing.

The purpose of both one-to-one and group coaching is to help the owner(s) focus on what it take to grow businesses. These meetings should be based around the needs of the owner(s) and not around a coach's pre-set agenda.

Good coaches actively listen to the concerns expressed by the owner(s), offer insights into strategies to address issue(s), guide the owner(s) to establish their vision for the business, and ensure that together owner(s) and coach are adopting strategies and undertaking activities in pursuant of that vision. Accountability is key.

Monthly investment for one-to-one coaching:

weekly from $1,600 - $2,400/mth

or twice a month $800 - $1,100/mth

OR, Group coaching as an alternative

Monthly investment for semi-monthly group meetings: $800 - $950


As an alternative to coaching meetings, good coaching organizations also offer prospective clients a more traditional learning program...weekly hour long meetings with classmates during which time.

In these more traditional learning programs studently learn best practices on how to grow their businesses.

The program I offer is called ActionCLUB. During the 12-week program you'll learn strategies proven successful in helping owners around the world achieve dramatic growth in their businesses. You'll learn strategies that will help you; 1) better manage your financials, 2) identify your target market(s) and how to sell to them, 3) how to build a superior team, 4) how to create exceptional customer experiences, and so much more.

Comments are confidential and stay in the room.

Monthly investment - $400 - $500.